The Solon Athletic Boosters is a non-profit organization with the goal of raising funds to support and assist all Solon Schools Athletic Programs. All funds raised by Athletic Boosters are used to support student athletes, coaches and team. Athletic Boosters volunteers work directly with the Solon Athletic Department in promoting Solon Middle and Solon High School sports. Your contribution to our membership may be tax deductible. Solon Athletic Boosters was formed under IRS Code Section 501.c.3.
Multiple Membership Levels And Dues
Lifetime Booster: ONE TIME DUES of $1850
Membership includes:
- Name on permanent SAB membership plaque displayed at SHS
- 2 adult passes to all Solon home games for 2024-2025
- 1 lifetime preferred parking pass at home football games
- $50 GC to Spirit Store
- 10% lifetime discount to Solon Spirit Store
- Solon Comets stadium seat & Solon Comets Magnet
- Choice of SC: blanket, Yeti drinkware, pickleball racquet/bag, waterproof cooler, set of glasses or stemless wine glasses
- Recognition in electronic & printed sports program
- SC magnet
Platinum Booster: $750 /
Membership includes:
- 1 adult pass to all Solon home games for 2024-2025
- 1 preferred parking pass at home football games
- $40 gift card to Solon Spirit Store
- Choice of SC: blanket, Yeti drinkware, pickleball racquet/bag, waterproof cooler, set of glasses or stemless wine glasses
- Recognition in electronic & printed sports program
- SC magnet
Diamond Booster: $500 / year
Membership includes:
- Choice of SC: blanket, Yeti drinkware, pickleball racquet/bag, waterproof cooler, set of glasses or stemless wine glasses
- 1 preferred parking pass at home football games 2024-2025
- $30 gift card to Solon Spirit Store
- Recognition in electronic & printed sports program
- SC magnet
Booster: $250 /
- 1 preferred parking pass at home football games
- $20 gift card to Solon Spirit Store
- Recognition in electronic & printed sports program
- SC magnet
Booster: $100 /
- 1 preferred parking pass at home football games
- $10 gift card to Solon Spirit Store
- Recognition in electronic & printed sports program
- SC magnet
Silver Booster: $50 /
Membership includes:
- Recognition in electronic & printed sports program
- $5 gift card to Solon Spirit Store
Bronze Booster: $25 / year
Membership includes:
- Recognition in electronic & printed sports program
NOTE: Membership is for the 2024-2025 School Year